Saturday 14 February 2015

Why not?

Writing has always been a hobby of mine. I read blogs, magazines, news articles, novels even, and think why can’t I do that?
Honestly, why not?
I really find people tend to hold themselves back from achieving or even enjoying something just because we’re scared of the unknown, maybe too lazy; today I finally gave up not believing in myself, something I am very accomplished in, and thought I should just prove myself wrong for once.
I am 23. I live at home with my parents. I haven’t got enough money to move out yet, or a full-time job. My aim in life is to become a director, whether for film, tv or theatre, I just want to bring stories to life, to watch them unfurl. I understand this is a terrifying industry to break into, the amount of competition is endless, there’s usually one role and thousands of applicants. You’ve got to stand away from the crowd and have something special to offer. I’m ashamed to say I turned into Meltdown Marge yesterday and managed to make an enemy of my mum and my sister by being a brat and only looking at the negatives. There is so much which I can aim to achieve and I just need to look at it objectively.
So for one: I love writing. Here we go!
Two: I love baking. That will definitely make an appearance, although I tend to rely on those wonderful Instragam filters to help my photography skills. Being a food critic would be the best job wouldn’t it, being paid to eat good food.
Three: I love films and tv. Another ambition is to become a film critic, imagine eating food and watching films AT THE SAME TIME.
Five: Travel, art, theatre, Harry Potter, the usual things… I love it all.

So here I am doing something about it! Again why not.
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