Saturday 14 March 2015

Do I Love, Rosie?

I have an obsession. I think it’s relatively unhealthy.

I love book adaptations. Or I love to hate them. I hear about one in post-production; a massive mainstream blockbuster and I practically wet my pants I’m that excited. Even the ones I haven’t read, I will try to read before I see it. The whole way through I naturally compare the film to the book. Which of course you shouldn’t do, but so what, this is how I approach the matter.

Most of the time I prefer the book. I will list all the film’s inadequacies, the plot they omitted, and the inventions and additions in utter fury, practically compiling a letter to script writer. Ahem Harry Potter. But this is a very pleasurable kind of fury.

Occasionally I like both the novel and film as separate entities. Angus Thongs and Perfect (Full Frontal according to the book) snogging. The Hunger Games. Pride and Prejudice, to name a few. These all stay faithful to the novel yet deliver something new as well.

Sometimes though I prefer the film. This is rare because I really like reading! Surely the book, which many people consider to be the ‘original’ source, the stimulus, the inspiration, should naturally be the springboard because it is so good. Not in this case may I add.

Love, Rosie is fairly nice film. It is sweet, tender-hearted, funny, and obviously completely unlike reality, but hey what else is new. The book it is based on is Where Rainbows End by Cecilia Ahern. Now this isn’t the first time I’ve read one of her novels and felt disappointed. P.S I Love You again a great chick-flick falls short on the novel. Ahern creates excellent narratives but doesn’t write them very well.

Just finished reading this book today amazing and heart warming I cant wait for the film adaptation "Love, Rosie" its going to be great ♡

Where Rainbows End tells the story of Rosie and Alex, best friends since childhood, confronted by misunderstandings therefore torn apart, almost brought back together, torn apart again, almost brought back together, torn apart again…this goes on for forty years. In emails. Forty years of emails is a long read. I can’t tell you how frustrating this book is. You kind of hope they get together by the middle as Ahern can’t keep this flimsy ridiculous structure up for as long as she does! Not only does Rosie have baby Katie aged 18 while Alex disappears to Boston (of all places) they each go through a couple of marriages each, divorces, children, terrible jobs, deaths, until they finally…well, the ending happens. By then you just don’t care as they’ve wasted their whole lives!

Love, Rosie on the other hand condenses these four decades into one, no more children are born and only two divorces (only). Katie’s father and Rosie’s first husband is made one character, Alex doesn’t have children, and Rosie has a lot more successes than she would in reality. But, to be honest, this is what a film or book audience want, we don’t need to hear constant whinging about how badly her life has turned out. In the novel you very quickly feel sorry for her friends because of the amount ear-bending she does. Therefore Lily Collins’ Rosie is much more likeable even though her life appears much easier than it should.

If I considered it as a film on its own, without any consideration to the book, I wouldn’t care for it much. Jamie Winstone plays an entirely pointless character, literally only there to advise Rosie. Rosie’s pregnancy and its consequences really don’t appear very important; there is no emphasis on what she’s losing by becoming a young mother. Also, it’s just frustrating that she pretends it hasn’t happened to Alex. He’s meant to be her best friend yet she thinks he shouldn’t know. Rosie’s life seems very easy and the finale comes with her great success. It’s very pleasing for audiences but not particularly believable.

However, I think I’m now just being unnecessarily picky. All I can say is thank you for giving this dry and exhausting narrative some spark! Love, Ally.
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Wednesday 18 February 2015

What's Your Favourite Word? Comet

Due to having little social life and an unhealthy obsession with films I already knew lots about the film Comet before I watched it. I was researching premieres for the Berlin Film Festival at work and spotting Justin Long’s face immediately made me stop: he’s just such an endearing actor, literally playing a loveable character in every film. My next delighted surprise was seeing Emmy Rossum was starring opposite him, a talent that is underused in my opinion. Finally, the cherry on the cake as they say, was that it was about parallel universes; a relationship that spans six years, jump-starting at various points throughout the film. We see two break ups, two, possibly three unions.

Instantly I thought of the similarities to Nick Payne’s play Constellations. About to hit Broadway starring Jake Gyllenhaal and Ruth Wilson, the play was a massive success on the West End. Roland and Marianne meet in multiple universes, we see them finally get together, visit many turns in the road, break ups – all because of the pivotal theme that we live in a multiverse. According to this theory there are many other versions of ourselves carrying out decisions or vice versa which we choose to make or not. There are other mes out there who could be a ballet dancer (my desire when I was ten) or even very similar to myself but instead of writing this in bed I could be writing this on the sofa. I love this play; it’s hopeful yet quite sad, but also about real love. With only two actors the ability to portray many dimensions is tricky! Comet appeared to be a film version of this, or at least very similar, tackling themes of fate, choice and reality.

Comet is a unique romantic film. It’s been pushed as an indie-rom/com. Thus 500 Days of Summer-esque? I guess, maybe they’re saying that because of Justin Long’s presence, a regular figure in roms and coms. Like Constellations the film jumps between moments with a clear change of transition. However, this struck me more as moments in time not between parallel universes. We see the couple (Dell and Kimberly) at crucial points in their relationship which flow, almost hiccup, into each other, repeatedly and with no structure. This could be timelessly, but I saw it as defined by time – ‘this is the time we broke up’ ‘this is when we got back together’ – instead of what is true and what is false. We do get a sense that it isn't reality; the cinematography is exquisite, sometimes bright and over exposed with electric green grass, or so soft with pale back light the character’s face is blurred, which heightens the idea of non-reality. Even so, I would have liked more ideas of fate and choice, as the focus on time means it all happened. Only the last scene alters this. An earthquake takes place without either of them noticing, day turns to night at the click of fingers, two suns are in the sky. We are obviously in another dimension and this might not be real. If the whole film had followed this structure (real or not real) it would have been really interesting!

Apart from that I really liked the film. Moments made me cry, you just want to shout at the characters DON’T BE SO STUPID as you can see what’s coming. Dell and Kimberly are perfect together but it takes them a long time to truly see it. Justin Long just needs to stop mumbling his lines. Then everything will be great.
Also, my title is a line from the film. No one's favourite word is comet...

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Saturday 14 February 2015

Why not?

Writing has always been a hobby of mine. I read blogs, magazines, news articles, novels even, and think why can’t I do that?
Honestly, why not?
I really find people tend to hold themselves back from achieving or even enjoying something just because we’re scared of the unknown, maybe too lazy; today I finally gave up not believing in myself, something I am very accomplished in, and thought I should just prove myself wrong for once.
I am 23. I live at home with my parents. I haven’t got enough money to move out yet, or a full-time job. My aim in life is to become a director, whether for film, tv or theatre, I just want to bring stories to life, to watch them unfurl. I understand this is a terrifying industry to break into, the amount of competition is endless, there’s usually one role and thousands of applicants. You’ve got to stand away from the crowd and have something special to offer. I’m ashamed to say I turned into Meltdown Marge yesterday and managed to make an enemy of my mum and my sister by being a brat and only looking at the negatives. There is so much which I can aim to achieve and I just need to look at it objectively.
So for one: I love writing. Here we go!
Two: I love baking. That will definitely make an appearance, although I tend to rely on those wonderful Instragam filters to help my photography skills. Being a food critic would be the best job wouldn’t it, being paid to eat good food.
Three: I love films and tv. Another ambition is to become a film critic, imagine eating food and watching films AT THE SAME TIME.
Five: Travel, art, theatre, Harry Potter, the usual things… I love it all.

So here I am doing something about it! Again why not.
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