Sunday 15 April 2012

'I'll Sort you into houses, because that is what I'm for...'

The name Forever Hufflepuff isn't a normal blog title. Maybe for a blog completely about Harry Potter (which I think would be pretty awesome) but sadly this isn't one. I'm a Harry Potter obsessive but I wouldn't go as far to say as a massive freak, I don't dress up in robes and draw scars on my forehead as some people do on youtube (explore at your leisure, I would put a link to some funny ones but that could be seen as cyper bullying I guess). No, I love Harry and everything to do with Hogwarts and the whole wizarding world. Which led me to wonder which house I would potentially be sorted into, I'm sure many people have done the same. When I was younger I always thought Gryffindor was too obvious and everyone's favourite so I definitely preferred Ravenclaw. However, now I am older and I have realised the character traits you need to possess to be in each house I have realised where I truly belong. 
They only say all that so you don't feel bad. 
Gryffindors' are brave and bold, they are courageous and are willing to risk their own skin to save the world. I'm sorry but I don't think I'd ever go running after Voldermort as Harry does in nearly every book. Haven't you noticed Harry, this guy isn't your biggest fan, the only thing that will make him happy is killing you. Hmm not so much my scene.
Ravenclaws' are geniuses. Enough said.
Slytherins' are evil. I am officially far too nice for my own good so some how I don't think I'd fit in.
So that leaves Hufflepuff. When I came to this anti-climactic realisation, my heart sunk and I told some friends. Instead of them saying, 'Of course you're not a Hufflepuff Ally!' they all laughed and said 'That's obvious!'
So great. I did loads of sorting quizzes and all of them agreed. That's where I seem to be. The one J.K Rowling couldn't think any assets for.
Since then I've learnt to embrace it. Yes that house would be for me, I love my friends, meeting new people and when it comes to it I am hard working. And also it's a talking point; it's not as predictable as Gryffindor, people never feel threatened by a Hufflepuff. The characters in the books in the end are incredibly brave, half of the house volunteer to fight the deatheaters in The Deathly Hallows. I think there are far too many bad connotations with this house, they are good, strong and loyal and are prepared to work hard whatever the cost. I would rather be in Hufflepuff than all the others, any day. 

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Monday 9 April 2012

Fancy a role model?

When I was 14 I bought a book called Think Pink. I still have it, I even took it to uni with me. So far you're not judging, but wait, just one second... It's basically about learning to accept yourself and how to love life spoken through the character Lola Love - apparently you just need to put on your pink tinted sun glasses and life turns rosy. Or you can remind yourself how awesome you are through confidence boosting mantras (I won't repeat what mine was) and all your teenage troubles disappear. I will always thank Liz Clarke for her wonderful support during the troubles of boys, or lack of them, peer pressure and just general young teenage life.
One section in the book was about role models. At the time I couldn't think of anyone I particularly respected and I couldn't be bothered with the usual Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn (both of whom I have been so tempted to stick on my wall  - I don't have a reason why except that's where everyone puts them) so I just ignored that particular chapter. However, six years later, I have finally found one woman who I think should be or already is every girl's role model. This is Jennifer Lawrence.
Jennifer Lawrence

Only since The Hunger Games have I been a fan, I admit. Having not seen a Winter's Bone or X-Men I wasn't really sure who she was until she was on the cover of every magazine or bus shelter. I then went to see the Hunger Games (massive fan - be warned, there will probably be posts about it) and thought she was amazing as Katniss. Still I didn't really give her much thought. (Honestly, I don't like knowing much about actors or actresses in films I really enjoy as I believe it ruins the illusion - there must be people who agree with me.) Then I saw her on Chelsea Lately and basically fell in love. She is just ridiculously cool, so down to earth, eager to laugh at herself and someone I aspire to be like (if I ever had interviews about a million dollar movie franchise which I star in).
Seeing these interviews (really good form of procrastination) made me realise what Liz Clarke and Lola Love were meaning. A role model is for aspiration, if you don't like some of your characteristics or habits because you prefer how someone else handles themselves then you can work to behaving more like them. It's not about copying or not being yourself but its better to aspire to be like someone who is so comfortable and relaxed in their own goofiness than fighting it or putting on a display because you think that is more acceptable or less embarrassing. No, embrace your crazy habits, especially those little one's you get mocked for (me - baking, I'm the resident housewife apparently) and let those define you.
Jennifer Lawrence - you are most definitely the coolest Hufflepuff out there.

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